Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cheesecake and other bad habits

I am up eating a ham and smoked cheddar with red onion, mayo and brown mustard, even though I am not very fond of ham.
It was that or eat the rest of the cheesecake sitting in the fridge. I really think eating the cheesecake was the better option, but that wouldn't have been very fair to anyone else when they woke up and the whole cheesecake was missing.

My sister brought it from work, a thoughtful thank you for me letting her babysit tonight!
It was in one of those plain, white boxes that just screams DELICIOUS GOODNESS WITHIN!
So, so soft! The kind of soft that makes you wonder how it holds shape when you cut it.
Also, it came it a variety pack. One set was boston creme. Oh, my goodness! Whoever had that genius idea is a, genius!

Parent teacher conferences were tonight. Hence me wanting to eat the entire cheesecake...
Duckie and Blue stayed home, had frozen pizza and cheesecake. Lucky came with me, and we went out to eat between conferences. I had a couple of california rolls, a mango roll and a bowl of miso soup. (Don't look at me like that! It's the same cost as going to a diner! I know, I know... but still.)
Lucky had tempura veggies and shrimp again. He loves to eat the tail!

I just finished making rice. I don't know what I'm packing for Lucky's lunch tomorrow. Probably plain rice and egg pancakes. Maybe I'll put some zucchini in the egg. I've been grating it into everything this week.

Now, back to that cheesecake!

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